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Camp Spot News #2 - Camper to Camper
February 13, 2005

You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you will always be.
-Dan Quayle-


February 13, 2005
The Camp Spot News
Issue #002

Editor: Maria at Camp Spot


This is a 100% opt-in newsletter. See the bottom of this e-mail to be removed from the mailing list. This letter is never sent unsolicited.


Table of Contents

1. Welcome from Camp Spot

2. Camping Tip of the Month

o "I Love SBI!" Valentine Special

3. Featured Camping Recipe

4. Have Your Say, too!

o Red Roses for Your Valentine

5. Gear Review

6. A Camper Shares a Story

o Special Valentine's Day Savings

7. Camping Joke

8. Reader Survey -What do YOU think?

9. Go Ahead - Tell a Friend!

10. Contact Information



Welcome from Camp Spot!

Hi and a Happy Valentine's Day on February 14th!

If you have have subscribed since the last issue, here's a warm welcome from all of us at Camp Spot!

If you like "The Camp Spot News," please do your friends and me a big favor and "pay it forward". If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, Get your FREE subscription today.

To all subscribers:
Thank you so much for reading, participating in, and contributing to the Camp Spot website and this newsletter. Thanks for all your encouragement and ideas.

The Editor


Camping Tip of the Month

Tip # 1
Keep a kettle of water simmering on the stove in the evening. It will always be ready if someone needs a warm drink. Then, when it's time to go to bed, just fill up a bottle with the hot water. Take it to be with you and use it for a bed warmer. This is wonderfully soothing to achy joints and muscles. Then after the water cools, you can drink it when you wake up in the night.

Jenny A. of MN

Tip #2
Use garlic to season your food when camping. It's a natural insect repellent and will help keep the mosquitoes away.

Alan H. of KY

Do you have a camping tip to share? Let's see it in the next issue!


I LOVE SBI! Special $100 Valentine Gift

From now until midnight February 14th, give your Valentine a gift that keeps on giving.

Buy one SBI! get the second one for $100.

'Site Build It!' is the resource I use for and I'm a loyal fan! An SBI! Site is forever; it just keeps on earning!

But hurry!

This ends when Valentine's Day ends...

At the stroke of midnight, February 14, 2004.

It's the perfect Valentine gift!



Featured Camping Recipe

Easy Camp Pies

Ground beef
Dry onion soup mix
Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil

Use a square of heavy duty aluminum foil for each "pie". For each "pie" put one hamburger, thinly sliced potatoes, sliced onions, sliced carrots, chopped broccoli and cauliflower, a tablespoon of butter & some dry onion soup mix. Sprinkle with seasonings of your choice. Wrap up your "pie" with the foil and place in the coals. Turn halfway through cooking. Cook for 30 to 45 minutes or until done.

Mary C. of NY

Do you have a camping recipe to share? Let's see it in the next issue!


Have Your Say, too!

Would You Like To Contribute Your Camping Experiences?

You may just see your name in the next newsletter!

I find that articles that are written by campers have something *extra* that non-campers can't always 'capture'.

The knowledge that comes with experience just can't be beaten. So...

Do you have any insights or experience about anything that's camping-related? Do you think it might make a good article for this ezine? Do you have camping tips, jokes, or recipes to contribute?

If you do - then how about sending one???

If you haven't written before, or are worried that your writing skills aren't good enough, please don't worry about it. I'll edit each article so all you need to do is worry about what YOU want to write about!

We have a place designed especially for special submissions. Go ahead and check it out. See if you want to join in.


Camping Gear Review

Coleman 5-Gallon Solar Camp Shower

Last summer I came across an ad on Ebay, advertising a solar camp shower. I thought, boy, that would sure be nice to have a simple way to shower when we're out in the backcountry. So I got one. It was well worth every penny.

A Coleman Solar Shower is inexpensive and is a bag made of non-toxic PCV material. It has a short shower hose attached to the bottom. One side of the bag is black, the other is clear plastic.

You just fill the bag with water and lay it out in the sun for a few hours. When you get back from your hike, there's a warm shower ready and waiting for you. Be careful, though, it can get too hot.

The shower is light and compact and folds up into a small package. It has a handle and cord included with it. One fault is that you must hang it up high, so the water will run out properly.

The shower holds about 5 gallons, so it's enough water for several people to take a turn. It's also a great tool for washing dishes! Imagine that, warm dishwater, when you're camping.

A solar camp shower is a good addition to every campers pack.

You can find this item in our camp store.

Would you like to review some of your camping gear? You can share your experience with other campers. Let's see it in the next issue!


A Camper Shares a Story

By the Editor
Maria at Camp Spot

Camping holds special memories for me. When I think of camping I remember the tall trees swaying in the breeze, and the smoky smell of a crackling campfire. It was all very wonderful to a small child.

MMM... somehow food cooked outdoors is so delicious! The crisp outdoor air piques the appetite and makes hunger strike. Nothing ever tasted better as a child than those marshmallows roasted over the campfire. I always seemed to eat twice as much when camping.

As a teen I often remember hiking and enjoying the cliffs and mountains of Southern Utah. My sister's and I loved to take an afternoon, hiking in the nearby hills, viewing petroglyphs left by the ancient Indians. It was so fun to study the tracks of animals, and the trees that were twisted by the wind. Once we even came across a rattlesnake!

When my oldest daughter was about 8 months old we took her camping with us. We camped in the middle of a nearby field of corn. Just the three of us, sitting around the fire, it was so lovely. The tall corn rustled around us, with the starry sky above, it was almost a magical setting.

We sat up late telling stories around the campfire. Then zipping two sleeping bags together, we had a warm family bed. Although the night got chilly, we kept the baby warm between us. It was colder inside the field than it would have been elsewhere. In the night we could hear the crickets chirping, and even heard deer calling to each other through the corn.

I was supposed to keep the fire going, and got up in the night to throw a log or two on thr fire. Brrr... In the morning we arose early and fixed up a nice breakfast in a Dutch Oven, what fun!

Camping gives such wonderful family memories! We'll look back on those experiences for a lifetime and always look forward to the next camping trip.

I invite you to share your favorite camping experiences with us! You can join in, too! Share Your Story



Camping Joke

A RVer pulled into his camping site to find a big dog standing there looking at him. The camper next door was watching as he cooked on the grill. The new Rver asked, "Does your dog bite?"

“Nope,” said the camper. The RVer climbed out of his rig. The dog proceeded to chase him around the camper, on top of the picnic table and up the ladder of to the roof of his vehicle. "I thought your dog doesn't bite!" "That's not my dog", muttered the camper.

Do you have a camping joke to share? Let's see it in the next issue!


Reader Survey - What do YOU think?

We're looking for some feedback from our friends about the Camp Spot site colors. What is your opinion?

Is the blue too cool? Do you think it should be more green...or brown? Or another color? Please take a just moment to let us know.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Your vote counts!

Stay tuned, we'll publish the results in next month's issue!


Go Ahead - Tell a Friend!

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If a friend DID forward this on to you, and if you like what you read, why not subscribe?

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Contact Information

Comments? Ideas? Feedback?

Let me have it, right between the eyes!

Please reply to this newsletter.

I'd love to hear from you.

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or just reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think.


Stay tuned, the next issue of the Camp Spot News is scheduled for March 12, 2005!

Copyright © 2005 Camp Spot All Rights Reserved


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