A family is camping in the woods when a brown bear walks up to the family.
Before they can run screaming away, the bear says something. He says, "Hello, how is it going? Do you have any................honey?"
The father says, "I'm sorry but we don't. But, what was with the large pause?"
The bear looks down at his paws and says, "I don't know, I just have always had them."
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by Susan Yelton
(Albuquerque, NM)
What did one spider say to the other when he saw the two campers asleep in their mummy-style sleeping bags?
"Look, they've REALLY super sized the takeout here!"
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by Allyson
(New York)
My brother had just caught a frog while camping, and asked me to go to the lake and fill a bucket with water for him to put the frog in. I eagerly ran to the deck and leaned over the very edge to try to reach the water with the bucket.
The next thing I knew, I was face up in the lake, holding the bucket over my head!
The whole deck had flipped over and I had landed in a pile of lily pads! My whole family was laughing at me!
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I went to a summer camp one year when I was twelve. There were a pair of boys Matt and David who were trying to out prank each other the whole week we were there.
One day, Matt took David's baseball cap and hid it under his mattress. When David woke up and found out his cap was missing he automatically started accusing Matt of taking it. He woke up the whole cabin about it.
So our counselor, Squid, says "Matt! Did you take David's hat?"
"Of course not." Matt answered, with a horrified look on his face, like he might burst into tears.
"It's alright," Squid assured him, "I believe you."
David glared.
"Well in that case..." Matt said with a grin, "Can I keep the hat?"
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